Tripple Bottom Line
Looking towards the future


Ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

There are numerous websites linked to the MyKyoto website which provide detailed information on ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The ideas proposed below are an edited compilation of those included on the linked websites. While they are not claimed to be exhaustive they are seen to be a good start for those of us aspiring to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions over which we may have some control.

Suggested areas for Improvement Estimated Reduction
Use green energy  - Instead of buying coal-fired power from the standard electricity grid, sign up for power generated by renewable resources such as wind, sun, bio-mass.  Up to 2 tonnes of carbon saved per year on a medium sized household.
Install fully green power - Install a fully renewable power source - solar, wind etc. Up to 7 tonnes saved per year on a medium sized household.
Switch lightbulbs  - Use compact fluorescent lightbulbs instead of the usual incandescent lightbulbs   200kg saved per year if three lightbulbs are switched over.
Buy energy efficient appliances - Buy only five star or better energy rated home appliances when current ones need replacing.  Up to 1 tonne saved per year per appliance.
Turn off electronic devices  - Most of our appliances (computers, DVD player, television etc) use up lots of  energy just by being on standby when we’re not using them. Turn them off at the powerpoint when not in use.               Up to 2 tonnes saved per year.
Use less hot water  -  Hot water uses lots of energy so use low-flow showerheads, wash clothes in cold water, have shorter showers at least ocassionally      Up to 500kg of carbon saved per year.
Change hot water system - Use solar or gas powered hot water systems Up to 1 tonne reduction per year.
Drive less - Ride a bike, walk more, use public transport more often.  Up to 1 tonne saved per year by reducing driving by 3000 kms.
Change to fuel efficient car - When your current car needs replacing, purchase a hybrid or other fuel efficent car. Up to 1 tonne reduction per year.
Efficient house design - If you are building or renovating a house be sure the design is energy efficient so airflows, orientation and overall design reduce energy needs       Up to 2 tonnes of carbon saved per year for highly efficient design of a medium sized household.
Insulate your home - By insulating ceilings and walls properly the need for airconditioning is reduced considerably.      Up to 1 tonne of carbon saved per year
Avoid buying heavily packaged products - Packaging is a high energy user. Reduce your garbage by buying with discretion. Up to 1 tonne of carbon is saved per year if garbage is reduced by 20%.
Buy efficiently and recycle - Reduce household waste by buying items that are long lasting. Buy more recycled goods. Up to 1 tonne saved per year if half your household waste is recycled.
Buy locally and fresh - By buying locally made products transport and energy costs are reduced dramatically. Fresh food costs less to produce than frozen food. Up to 500kg of carbon saved per year
Reduce flying time - If you have to fly, do so with discretion and use electronic means to meet people where possible. Up to 1 tonne of carbon saved per year for one less return flight
Plant more trees - Seven trees sink about the same amount of carbon emitted by the average Australian car. Plant trees in your yard, parks, workplaces. Up to 1 tonne of carbon absorbed per year for each year in a lifetime if you plant 50 trees in your lifetime
Be active - Speak up in a positive way in your local community and organization and help others to commit to reducing greenhouse gas emmisions. A lot of carbon may be saved!
Dry clothes on a line - Don’t use a clothes dryer unless you absolutely have to. Up to 500kg of carbon saved if clothes are dried on a line.
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