Tripple Bottom Line
Looking towards the future


STEP 1: Estimating the level of your greenhouse gas emissions

This estimator will provide you with an indication of your approximate level of carbon emissions - low - moderate - high

This is an indicator only and in an effort to simplify the process we do not provide an exact measure of the tonnes of carbon you may be responsible for emitting. The main purpose is to give you a credible view of your current emissions contributions and to enable you to focus on areas of action that are most likely to reduce your emissions contributions in the future.

That way you will know what you're signing up for when you sign the MyKyoto Protocol!

1. How is the electricity in your home sourced? Green energy source
Petrol driven generator
Standard Electricity grid

2. Do you use energy efficient lightbulbs in your home? 80-100% are compact fluorescents or low energy consuming
20-79% are compact fluorescents or low energy consuming
0-19 % are compact fluorescents or low energy consuming

3. Do you use many energy efficient household appliances? All have the best possible energy rating
50% or more of them have the best possible energy rating
25% to 49% have the best possible energy rating
Fewer than 25% have the best possible energy rating

4. Do you turn off electrical devices (TV's, computers, DVD's) at the wall when they are not in use? All the time
Most of the time
Some of the time
Hardly ever

5. How is the hot water in your house sourced? Use solar hot water system
Use a gas, or green energy sourced hot water system
Use a system powered by the standard electricity grid

6. Do you use hot water sparingly in your house? a)Have short showers most of the time (3-4 minutes rather 4-8 minutes);
b)Use a low volume flow showerhead and;
c)Wash clothes with cold water.
All of the above
Two of the above
One of the above
None of the above

7. On average, what distance of your weekly travel is on public transport?

8. On average, what distance of your weekly travel is by bicycle or walking? Majority of it (80-100%)
Quite a bit (50-79%)
Moderate amount (20-49%)
A little (5-19%)
Virtually none (0-4%)

9. When you travel by car or motorbike, is the vehicle an economic user of petrol fuel? Travel by motor bike - very low fuel consumption compared to a car
Very fuel efficient car (eg hybrid car, 4.5 - 6.5 litres per 100km)
Moderately fuel efficient car (small engined car, 6.5 - 9 litres per 100km)
Car has high use of fuel (family car, 9 - 15 litres per 100km)
Car has very high use of fuel (large four wheel drive, more than 15 litres per 100km)

10. When you travel by car, what amount of time do you share the car with other people? Majority of it (80-100%)
Quite a bit (50-79%)
Moderate amount (20-49%)
A little (5-19%)
Virtually none (0-4%)

11. Regarding your travel by car, approximately what distance would you travel each year? 0-1,000km
More than 20,000km

12. What size home do you live in? 50 square metres or smaller (small flat or apartment)
50-100 square metres (average unit)
100-200 square metres (2-3 bedroom home)
200-250 square metres (4 bedroom home)
250 square metres or larger (large home)

13. Is your residence designed for low energy use? Green design residence - good airflows, natural lighting, good insulation - no air conditioning
Moderate green design - one or two of above answer - minimal or no airconditioning
House has little or no green design features and uses air conditioning regularly

14. How much household waste do you generate that is not recycled? Less than one bin or large bag (say 30litres) per week
About one bin or large bag per week
More than one bin or large bag per week

15. How much of the food you eat is either processed, packaged or imported (or a mixture of these)?

16. About how much do you spend per year on household goods? eg: furniture, CD's, clothing, books and magazines
Up to $3000
more than $12000

17. How much time do you spend flying each year? Less than 5 hours
5-15 hours
15-50 hours
50-100 hours
100 hours or more

18. How many trees or large shrubs do you plant in most years? More than 200
Between 100 and 200
Between 30 and 100
Between 10 and 30
Between 3 and 10
Fewer than 3

19. Actively advocating in your Community? Are you active in your community or local organisation (sport, church, theatre group, school etc), in doing something about the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated by the organization or community?

20. Actively advocating in your Workplace? Are you active in your workplace (including a place where you may carry out volunteer work) in doing something about the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated by the workplace?
Very active
Moderately active
Not very active at all
Not applicable as I do not spend time in a workplace

The answers you have given trigger a points total that places you in the category of either low, moderate or high regarding your contributions to greenhouse gas emissions. The best possible score is 7 (extremely low emissions) and the worst possible score is 100 (extremely high emissions)

Press the 'indicate ' button to find out where you sit.

My Kyoto

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